So you have run an awesome Blood Bowl tournament – what next?
You now need to submit the results. If you struggle with this, or if a NAF official was at the tournament, then they might do it for you, but the more TOs can do it themselves, the better life is!
There are two main upload methods for the games – entering all results manually, or automatically by uploading a compatible XML file generated by one of the tournament programs.
Automatic XML upload
This method is not only easier and quicker but usually also less error-prone. If you have used Score! or another piece of BB tournament software, then you can generate an upload file. If the software you used cannot generate an upload file, then you can use a spreadsheet by sann0638 to create one.
Then follow these steps:

- Go to your tournament on
- Click on “Report Results” next to your tournament,
- “Choose file” to upload (ignore the table above where you type in the usernames). Click “Upload Tournament Result”
There might be some error messages, often caused by misspelled membership names or exotic character, so correct these and re-upload.
Manual upload
If you decided to enter the results manually, follow these steps:

- Go to your tournament on
- Click on “Report Results” next to your tournament,
- Enter the names or IDs of all participating coaches in the table and click “Add Coaches”
- If all information is correct, click “Next >>”
- Click on “Edit Races” and enter the respective information. Then click “Report Matches”.

- On the next page, you can enter all the results. You can click on “Switch to Advanced mode” to enter details as casualties, but this is not required. The “Simple mode” absolutely suffices.
- The Global Team Rating can be used to indicate the TV at which the tournament was played (e.g. 115 for a 1150K TV). It is not required to change it, though.
- When entering the results, it is good practice to work round by round and give each round a different timestamp by changing Hour, or Date for a tournament over several days. This will make it easier to find matches later in case errors need to be fixed.
- When entering individual matches, do not change the Team Rating from the Global Team Rating unless you know what you are doing. This is typically only used in league-style progression tournaments and will affect the calculation of the rankings! Just leave it blank or use the global team rating in each line. Despite the daunting red asterisk, it is not required. Don’t believe everything the internet tells you.
- Click “Add Matches” once you have filled out the form. You will have the opportunity to enter more matches and revisit the ones you have entered.
Finalizing results
Once you have manually or automatically entered all results, click on “Finalize Tournament”. You are done! It will usually take a day for the ranking recalculation to take effect, but you will already see the matches appearing on the individual Coach Pages. If you at this stage find any issues, contact the NAF staff to get them fixed. It is out of your hands.
Glittering Awards

One thing remains: entering the award winners.
Head back to the tournament page, and click Edit. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and enter the winner of various awards. These awards will show up on the respective Coach Pages.
The categories should be self-explanatory. For team tournaments, or joint winners of prizes, click “Add Winner” and another field will appear. You can do this multiple times.
It is also recommended to leave a short (or longer) report in the “Tournament Report” field for future generations to enjoy.