Customising Score!

Score! can be customised for different things – for example, sann0638 has used it for Elfball tournaments with completely different races by updating the races.txt file. You can also change the picture on the output files so that you get your own logo instead of the main Blood Bowl trophy.

For the NAF championships sann0638 produced this page, which has the NAF badge instead of the Blood Bowl trophy. He did this by saving a gif file in the Output folder of the Score! set of files called naf.gif (he made this 64 x 64 pixels, so that it fitted nicely). Then in the Templates folder he used notepad to open the “do result.htm” file.

The first few lines look like this:

<title>@tournamentname@ – Results after round @round@</title>
<link rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’ href=’do.css’>
<table class=”main” align=center><td>
<img src=’trophy_bb1.gif’ align=left>
<img src=’trophy_bb1.gif’ align=right>
<h2>Results after round @round@</h2>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center>

and you need to change the lines that are in bold so that naf.gif replaces bb_trophy1.gif, so that the bold lines now read:
<img src=’naf.gif’ align=left>
<img src=’naf.gif’ align=right>

Save the file, and then when you go into Score! and click on Print Results it will make an htm file of the Results. He then saved this into Dreamweaver and uploaded it on to, after fiddling around with the text a bit.

More customisation available on