Call for World Cup 2027 Bids


About This Document

Welcome to the NAF World Cup 2027 bid process! Organizing a NAF World Cup is a huge task, and we are incredibly thankful for anybody taking on such an endeavor. The event has constantly grown in size from 273 participants (England, 2007) to 480 (Netherlands, 2011), 992 (Italy, 2015), 1432 (Austria, 2019) and finally 2254 coaches (Spain, 2024). We have reached dimensions that go beyond anything that could or should be handled completely voluntarily, and we urge all applicants to consider and budget professional event planning assistance.

This guideline will help organizers create a successful bid by outlining key requirements and timelines and guide them through the submission and selection process. It is intended as a living document that will be frequently updated with FAQs from potential hosts and more details e.g. regarding the voting process.

Key Dates:

  • Bid submission deadline: 15 December 2024
  • Announcement of winner: 15 February 2025
  • Target event date: September 2027

Table of Contents

Submission Guidelines

How to Submit:

  • Email:
  • Format: Word or PDF
  • Language: English
  • Deadline: 15 December 2024


  • 4 July 2024: Bid process announced.
  • 15 December 2024: Bid submission deadline.
  • 16 December 2024: Selection Committee begins discussion in private forum.
  • 31 January 2025: Voting starts.
  • 15 February 2025: Voting ends; winner announced.
  • 15 February – 30 June 2025: Preparation of business plan with NAF and WC organizers and setting of timelines.

Proposal Requirements

The proposal should be divided into separate documents, a technical proposal and an economic plan.
The required contents are laid out below.

Technical Proposal

  1. City Description
    • Detailed overview of the hosting city.
    • Special arrangements with city leaders.
    • Attractions and entertainment options.
  2. Venue
    • Venue suitability and capacity.
    • Accessibility.
    • Layout plan (tables, catering, booths).
  3. Dates
    • Proposed event dates.
  4. Schedule
    • Daily schedule for rounds and events.
  5. Transportation
    • Travel options (planes, trains, buses).
  6. Accommodation
    • Accommodation options (hotels, Airbnb) with cost points.
  7. Meals
    • Lunch menu at the venue, food and beverage options.
    • Dinner options at nearby restaurants.
  8. Staff and Referees
    • Organizational structure and volunteer roles.
    • Referee plan (minimum 1 per 120 players).
  9. Software/Website
    • Proposed management application.
    • Development plan.
    • Experience and risk mitigation.
    • Streaming and broadcasting.
  10. Backup Players
    • Reserve players and squads
  11. Gadgets
    • Proposed giveaways and merchandise
  12. Awards
    • Planned prizes
    • At least Winner, Runner Up, Third Place, and Best Individual.
  13. Program
    • Any associated events or entertainment.
  14. Language
    • Support for non-English speakers.
  15. Plan B
    • Contingency plan for unexpected events such as pandemic, natural disaster or alien invasion.

Economic Plan

  • Cost breakdown for participants.
  • Attendance forecast.
  • Business plan including costs for
    1. venue
    2. meals
    3. gadgets
    4. awards
    5. referees
    6. external funding (e.g. grants, tax breaks)
  • Legal form of the organization committee.
  • Possible profits for exhibitors, sponsors, vendors.
  • Handling of cancellations and refunds
  • Budget contingencies and plans for budget shortfalls to avoid personal liability!
  • Responsible persons for budget oversight.

NAF Commitments

  • 9 matches over three days.
  • Support with creation of tournament ruleset.
  • Confirm/Modify gadget proposal.
  • Verify participant costs with NAF.

Voting Process

The World Cup Selection Committee will consist of representatives of the worldwide NAF community. In the past, the members were selected by the National Coordinators of their respective nations.

We will provide more details about the Selection Committee setup in due time.


To assist in your bid preparation and as an inspiration, we provide submissions for previous World Cups:

Thanks again also to the non-winning bidders for putting so much effort into the applications.


Why make your own mistakes when you can learn from those other World Cup organizers have made before you?

  • Read Tojurub’s reflection on their struggle with the tournament software in an otherwise fantastic 2019 World Cup.
  • Share Ulvardar’s 2023 World Cup experience in his soon to be published lessons learned.


Q: Will this section be frequently updated with questions and answers?

  • A: Yes.

Change/Update Log

  • 4 July 2024: Initial bid process announcement.

Contact Us

For any questions or clarifications, please contact us at