The list below contains mainly guides based on the BB2016/CRP ruleset, but the basic strategies to win remain unchanged. This page should and will be updated with more recent material.
If you know of a great resource that you’d like to be added. leave a comment! Comments will be deleted once dealt with.

- The Danish Bloodbowl site contains an older collection of least one playbook for each race.
- Fumbbl coaches have played 1000s of games, in a way that is not possible on tabletop. Read their distilled wisdom on the racial breakdown page and tactics page.
- BBtactics is a treasure trove of Blood Bowl wisdom, as you would expect from the name!
- And a couple of must-read guides – one on The Art Of Blocking, and Fumbbl’s Taouch guide, plus the 1000 losses playbook.
If you would rather watch or listen than read, then YouTube is your friend. There are a few good YouTube channels with Fumbbl, Tabletop and Cyanide footage and commentary.
- sann0638 has done a few Fumbbl commentaries, including how to get started
As well as all that, people have also learned to make some amazing models and scenery, and paint them so they look nice! Here are a few useful tutorials:
- Nazgob paints the 3rd Edition plastic orcs step by step in his Painting by numbers tutorial.
- There are lots of amazing stadiums around, with Rev’s step-by-step guide being one of the best.
If you want to illustrate a playbook, you can use a Blood Bowl play creator like Elyoukey’s BB pusher.
Hello, the Plasmoid’s site link appears to be dead.
Updated the link; thanks.