Sports Killerstrated: The story of the 2489-90 NAF Season
The World’s Greatest Ever Blood Bowl League is Back, Back, Back!
As any fan of the Chaos All-Stars will tell you, the world is a very strange place. What we consider to be our reality is, in fact, just one of a multitude, drifting along the space time continuum like twigs in a stream.
The history books tell us that the NAF collapsed into oblivion in 2489, but we’d like to offer you a second opinion: There exists an alternate continuity where the league never fell. In fact, it’s still going strong; at this very moment, 40 teams of homicidal athletes are sharpening their spikes and oiling their chainsaws ready for kick-off in the greatest Blood Bowl league the world has ever known… the NAF.
So, this September, renew your Cabalvision subscription, grab your can of Bloodweiser and download the latest issue of Sports Killerstrated from the NAF.net. There you can follow every week of the 2489-90 season: From the first blood to the Blood Bowl final itself. Get ready for a deluge of madness, murder and mayhem, because, as the man says, ‘this is Blood Bowl, buddy- anything could happen!’
Sports Killerstrated functions as an epilogue, of sorts, to the NAF Fact Book. In that publication, we got to see what all 40 NAF teams actually looked like, now, armed with that knowledge, the obvious next question is, ‘how did a full NAF season play out in reality?’ Sports Killerstrated will offer you the definitive answer. Published weekly, every issue will report back on the results, statistics and news from that week in the NAF. Amongst all this info, will be exclusive new content: New Illustrations and acres of brand-new background developing the lore and characters that the 2 nd edition so vividly brought to life. Created by a team of Blood Bowl enthusiasts, writers and artists, Sports Killerstrated will be a must for anyone who loves Blood Bowl ‘fluff’ or is curious about the great game’s history.
Sports Killerstrated welcomes submissions for future issues. The brief is that any submission needs to be set in the 2 nd edition continuity covered in this journal. If you’d like more guidance on this, or advice on subjects that need covering, or If you have an article, illustration or spoof-advert idea, get in contact via DM on Instagram (@NAF_2489_90) or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
Love these magazines but I feel my favourite Nurgle boys are getting short-changed. It’s now week 4 and they only have 2 Fatalities For! In the 87-88 season they had 1744, including 341 in a single game. Don’t tell me they’ve gone soft (or softer than a decaying, plague-infested body anyway)!
Thanks. You know, this is a great question. Basically, plagues, poxes and pestilence have been a bit thin on the ground this year. Whereas 2487-88 saw a devastating pandemic sweep the Empire (thanks in no small part to the Rotters’ fans attendance at several high profile away games- most of those 1744 fatalities were spectators. Still, it’s only week 5, all the Rotters need is one badly timed pitch invasion & the plague doctors will be back in business!