11 thoughts on “NAF Meeting Minutes”

  1. I don’t want that you become overwhelmed by membership gift distribution or that the membership price increases because of gifts I don’t care. I have enough dice and markers for my lifetime, is it possible to have a membership renewal without gift (even at the same price ) ?

    1. Hi Remy,

      thanks for reaching out.
      An explicit opt-out option is something I think we can add to the gift selection menu.


  2. I have been anxiously waiting for those accounts to see how many members we have now. The the pandemic effects should be subsiding and there seems to be a boost in people coming out to events and more BB groups springing up, at least in the US.

    1. This would be for those that would like to renew to support the NAF, have forum access, host tournaments, and voting abilities but not interested in reviewing more dice.

  3. Regarding March 24 Minutes:
    Two things struck me worth commenting.

    I do like the idea of translating offical announcements into different languages. Sounds like a lot of work, but probably worth the effort and more inclusive for non native English speakers.

    Discussing the return of Bretonnians seems redundant to me. Imperial Nobility does play very, very similar. Given the choice I’d prefer staying with Imperial Nobility since they are officially supported by GW and therefore are more accessible to (new) players.

  4. Adding a donation button/page to the existing website should be quite easy. Funds could be raised for professional web design and overhaul through this and other methods.

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