The rankings and tournament database, as well as the NAF forum, can be found in the NAF Members Area.
To get access to this you will need to join the NAF.
Once you’ve done that, what can you do?

- Visit the Coach Page where you will see an overview similar to the picture below (probably with higher rankings!).
- From here you can access a plethora of stats: your performance with all races you have brought to a tournament (read up here how the rankings are calculated), a link to all the NAF tournaments that you have been in and the results of all matches you have ever played in NAF tournaments, as well as an overview of all your awards.
- Follow the Grid link to see an amazing picture that shows your performance with all races against all other races.
- See your Head to Head record against another coach by finding their NAF number.
- See the NAF accounts, if you are interested!
- Contribute to the NAF forum (you can read them without being a member, but where’s the fun in that?)