One of the options for installing OBBLM is to get it through mercuryvps.  This is the process.

  1. Go to and choose the OBBLM tab.
  2. Choose the option you want (OBBLM Lite is find for most) and click on Order now.
  3. Choose “I want to use a free subdomain” and enter your league name in the box.  Click to continue.
  4. Click Add to Cart, then fill in billing information

You will then receive a number of emails.  The most interesting one is “OBBLM Hosting Account Information‏”.  This has the URL of your Control Panel, and your login and password.  Click to go into the Control Panel, then Click on File Manager.

In File Manager, click on public_html.  This has the files for managing your OBBLM webpage.

In the top level the most interesting ones are settings.php and banner.png.

Banner.png is a 1000 x 150 picture that appears at the top of your website. Change this to whatever you want by clicking Upload, then ticking the overwrite box, then uploading a new file called banner.png.

Click on Settings.php then click Download.  This creates a backup of the file in case something goes wrong.  Then click Edit.  You can then change sitename, which is the name that appears in your Browser.  You probably won’t want to change anything else, so click Save Changes and then Close.

Then in the File Manager double click the Folder called local settings.

Backup settings_1 in the same way, then Edit it.  In here you can change the settings for the League.  Do not change anything to the left of the = sign.  Change the text in between the inverted commas to change the setup of the front page.  The General settings are fairly straightforward, and the Rules probably don’t need changing, along with the Standings code and the Front page messageboard.  The rest you will not want to change until you have set up some tournaments.

For information on setting up tournaments, visit the OBBLM wiki User Guide.

Once you have set up a tournament, you can change the stats on the right hand side of the page by adapting the code at the bottom of the Settings_1 page.  Most of it is straightforward, but the ‘id’ can be a bit confusing.  If you want to show standings for the overall League you can keep it the same.  For a tournament you will need the tournament ID, which can be found by clicking on the tournament in OBBLM and finding its ID.  The code has a fair few comments in to help with setting up the boxes.