OBBLM is the Online Blood Bowl League Manager, and is the mostly widely used way of managing the teams and statistics for your tabletop Blood Bowl league. The most recent version is now available for BB2020!


If you want to get online, you have 3 main options, depending on how comfortable you are with making changes to websites:

1. Use
2. Sign up for
3. Install OBBLM on your own existing webpage

1. NAF – Hosted OBBLM

Getting a league hosted by the NAF is simple.  We don’t check you’re a NAF member, but it would be polite!  Simply go to and Register, then Click on Home > Request league, and one of our admin team will be in touch.  For help using NAF OBBLM once you’re in, check out this guide – Using NAF OBBLM.


For $5 a year you can get your own OBBLM site, hosted by, which comes with OBBLM installed.  You can then configure the code for this site either through the online File Manager or through ftp access, and the NAF Admins or the OBBLM creators can help with this process.  This will allow you to have your own picture at the top and your own title to the webpage, for example.  You can be guided through the process here.

3. Installing OBBLM

The code for OBBLM is freely available, and you can install it on your own webspace.  You can then make any changes you want to the code to allow for house rules, different displays, and anything else you are able to programme!  The NAF has substantially developed OBBLM into NAFLM, and you can see here for full details.  That is a link to the latest upgrade, which includes the install guide (the pdf at the bottom).

Once you have installed it, or if you just want to know how to use it as a regular coach, read all about entering a match etc.

2 thoughts on “Using OBBLM”

  1. Good afternoon,

    In September I’ll be running a new tabletop Bloodbowl league and I was thinking about choosing option 2 ( I checked the guide but apparently that site is no longer available (I get a critical error message), which leaves me with just option 1. Apparently, option 1 is free but it would be polite to be a NAF member, which is absolutely fine by me (the online subscription costs 10 dollar for every year, am I correct?). Shall I first become a member and then start my league?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Kind regards,


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