League Database

The NAF league database is a Tableau resource run by Sann0368. It contains leagues all over the world that have been submitted as detailed in the steps below.

To submit your league to the table above, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your league’s details into a Google Form.
  2. Click Submit
  3. The Tableau data is updated once a day, so check back after 48 hours and your league should have been added to the database and map.

To request adjustments to data, please email bbnafdata@gmail.com or comment below!

11 thoughts on “League Database”

  1. Hi there,

    Submited two leagues a month ago and they’re not showing in the map (I can see them in the database).

    Leagues names:

    Lliga IRRegulars de Plan B 2023 – Primera DivisiĆ³ (Barcelona, Spain (Catalonia))
    Lliga IRRegulars de Plan B 2023 – Segona DivisiĆ³ (Barcelona, Spain (Catalonia))


    1. I assume the country “Spain (Catalonia)” is not recognized and hence the entry not shown on the map. As you said, it appears in the list.

      1. Stimme’s correct – the map is in Tableau, and maps countries and towns. Would you like to change it to Spain, and appear in the map, or leave it as is and not be on the map?

  2. Indianapolis has an active league IBBL, Facebook page look us up. We are in playoffs and will start season 3 after holidays.

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