NAF Tournament Size
After someone asked the question, here are the sizes of the NAF tournaments (approximately 2010-2013) Size Number Max 484 2-19 415 Min 2 20-39 309 Count 875 40-59 97 Mean 26.8 50-79 30 Median 20 80-99 11 100-484 13
After someone asked the question, here are the sizes of the NAF tournaments (approximately 2010-2013) Size Number Max 484 2-19 415 Min 2 20-39 309 Count 875 40-59 97 Mean 26.8 50-79 30 Median 20 80-99 11 100-484 13
The first UKTC was a great success, with teams from Spain, France, Switzerland and Germany making the trip; not to mention several teams from all over the UK. A total of 84 Blood Bowl coaches joined the party in York, and here is the UKTC rules pack for next year! Will one of the UK teams match …
The NAF and FUMBBL are pleased to announce the Road to the NAF Championship 2015 will be beginning on Friday, January 17th! The Road to the NAFC 2014 was a knock out tournament for rookie teams hosted by Cyanide, and the prize was a ticket to the NAFC in Nottingham, UK. This year, FUMBBL will …
When? 6th – 8th November 2015 Where? Lucca, Italy: How? The structure is the same as last time: – 6 players per team – 9 games over 3 days Here is the full Rules Pack – translations into other languages will follow soon. Here is the World Cup 2515 Rules Pack – GERMAN …
SpeedBowl 2014 Results Speedbowl consists of 5 games in one day, with 2 minute turns – full details here from this event, and Speedbowl 4 is already set for July 2015! # Team Race NAF Name Score Touchdowns Casualties 1 Rancidan Desires dark Elf Itchen 12 8 – 4 20 – 8 2 Not …
An impressive set of Eurobowl photos from gninocker – enjoy, and click to make larger!
Following the Eurobowl, Jimjimany has achieved the first ever 300 ranking in the NAF database. Using Wood Elves, he has a 89/27/17 record, which has included 2 Eurobowl wins with Team England, a World Cup title with Team Waterbowl from Manchester, a NAF Championship win and victory in this year’s Spike Championship. In addition to …
Not all Blood Bowl tournaments are NAF ranked, either because the ruleset is too out of the ordinary, or, as in this case, because it is not open to the public. The UKBBL is a league on the Cyanide version of the game whose coaches gather twice a year in Nottingham to meet face-to-face and, …
Here are the results in full of all the Winners from the Eurobowl weekend in Oostende, Belgium, 8-9 November 2014. Best Painted – Teufane’s Halflings Most TD Eur’Open: Omake Most CAS Eur’Open: Whiskeyjack (Khemri) Stunty King – Casper (Goblins) Eur’Open Best Individual: Mufflo Eur’Open third place: An Italian Team Eur’Open second place: Team MLF1 Eur’Open …
by sann0638 Eurobowl X was the third largest Blood Bowl event ever, with a 144 player National team tournament running concurrently with a 120 player Open tournament. The vast majority of players were staying in the hotel that was hosting the tournament, and the majority of them were to be found in and around the …
Eurobowl Captains Meeting Minutes 2014 Agenda Item: Future Hosting Rights Chaired by Beppe, minutes taken by Sann0638. All attending Eurobowl countries were represented by their captain, and Beppe went through all countries to check. There were others in the room and any comments by them are noted below. Beppe checked all countries that had not …
Eurobowl X Results Well done to all the competitors and referees!
by HairyPete The months of advertising and forum posts were over. The rosters were in and checked. The last minute switch of players was resolved. The prizes and other give aways were packed. The lunch order was in. The cleaner had finished his rounds. The tables and chairs were set up ready. All was still. …
By Pippy This Winter an exciting new event is coming to the UK, The United Kingdom Team Challenge. The four-player team tournament will take place in the run up to the NAF World Cup 2015 and we hope teams will see this as a try out for the big event in Italy next November. Just …
Blood Bowl is an individual game, where you pit your wits and luck against an opponent, one on one, but some events take it beyond this to give the extra layer of camaraderie and banter that comes from being on a team of three, four, six or even eight players, who sit together across the …
Eurobowl 2014 – Belgium The tenth Eurobowl takes place next month in Ostende, in Belgium, alongside the Europen. The hosts have put together a fantastic package in one hotel, with all food and gaming included, and as a result the weekend of 8-9 November will see 38 Europen teams of 3 and 17 National teams …
Inspired by a question asked VoodooMike on the Cyanide forums, here’s an off the top of my head snapshot of whether progression is used by BB tournaments (mostly UK based). Tournament When are skills implemented? Welsh Open All skills upfront Cakebowl All skills upfront Waterbowl All skills upfront Thrudball All skills upfront Monkeybowl All skills …
Photos and results from a fantastic weekend of Blood Bowl and cake at a new venue in Swindon! Scoring was 10/5/0 with 1 point per TD and Cas, to a maximum of 3 each. Now my tournament report: As I arrived at the virtually empty free car park, having advised a couple of people to …
Those who came to NAFC would have seen Indigo prowling with his camera, then setting up his lightbox for the best painted and Duel competitions. Here are the results! Click to make larger.
Big Boys Battle A Tourney Report – or why tourney orga is the most fun-tastic thing on the world After long time of preparation to make the trophies, including my first self-sculptured mini, it finally was tourney time. On Father’s Day, 12 Coaches found their way to Lindau at beautiful Lake Constance. Coaches came from …