
Round 6

Draw for Round 6 Table Match 1 Gilles_Cacciari (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Joemanji (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Lizardman   Undead 2 bbfanatic (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Podfrey (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Chaos   Dwarf 3 Duke_Luthor_Von_Hawkfire (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Purplegoo (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Necromantic Undead   Lizardman 4 nebur_el_sanguinario (The Linemen,Spain)   vs …

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Half Way Update

2:30 on Saturday, half way through Round 5, and it’s time for a few updates! We have just had the first redraw, though as the draw was published 25 minutes early and it pretty much only affected the top tables, it was spotted and dealt with within 5 minutes.  In fact, the draw had not …

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Rd 5 Draw

Draw for Round 5 Table Match 1 Gilles_Cacciari (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Titouch (Lutece Noobz,France) Lizardman   Wood Elf 2 bbfanatic (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Knox (Lutece Noobz,France) Chaos   Dwarf 3 nebur_el_sanguinario (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Sladmortis (Lutece Noobz,France) Chaos Dwarf   Undead 4 Duke_Luthor_Von_Hawkfire (The Linemen,Spain)   vs   Vencarl …

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Draw Round 4 NAF WC3

Draw for Round 4 Table Match 1 Inluzon (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   Gilles_Cacciari (The Linemen,Spain) Orc   Lizardman 2 Nans (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   bbfanatic (The Linemen,Spain) Dwarf   Chaos 3 Josepe (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   nebur_el_sanguinario (The Linemen,Spain) Undead   Chaos Dwarf 4 Jaap (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   hachablanca (The …

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Draw Round 3

Draw for Round 3 Table Match 1 Nans (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   Podfrey (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Dwarf   Dwarf 2 Jaap (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   Purplegoo (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Necromantic Undead   Lizardman 3 Inluzon (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   vs   Jimjimany (Team Waterbowl,United Kingdom) Orc   Wood Elf 4 Malasnoticias (Mas Galactikos,Spain)   …

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Draw Round 2

Some information; The first Interception this round gets a spot prize – tell the Ref when you achieve one! Between Rounds 2 and 3, the “24” patches will be awarded After Round 3 (about 7:30), there will be a Eurobowl Captains meeting near the stage Between Rounds 5 and 6 (tomorrow) the “Best Painted” will …

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Total Team Rankings

Thanks to Rolo for the analsysis – this is the total NAF ranking for each team with the races they are using – will it correlate with final positions? Data from here: wc_player_ratings   Position Team Rating 1 Team Waterbowl 1437.93 2 Masters of Tilea 1379.64 3 Geordie Juggernaut. 1293.14 4 Socks’ 2 1261.51 5 Joe …

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24 Snapshot

Here is the current list of those who have played all 24 NAF races in NAF-sactioned tournaments – thanks to Sumbloke for retrieving the data! Those attending the world cup have the option to buy the lovely patch on the right!  Thanks to Bill Murphy for sorting those out. Order Date Achieved NAF Name Nation …

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Races NAFWC3

Wood Elf 100, Dark Elf 89, Undead 89, Necromantic 82, Lizardman 72, Skaven 62, Dwarf 50, Chaos Dwarf 48, Orc 46 Human 45, Elf 38, Norse 37, Chaos Pact 25, High Elf 18, Chaos 16, Amazon 14, Khemri 14, Ogre 14, Underworld 11, Slann 10, Goblin 9, Halfling 8, Vampire 8, Nurgle 7.

NAF World Cup 3 Round 1 Draw

Find your opponent’s roster here: Listen to sann’s analysis of round 1 on youtube, as the draw was done live! Draw for Round 1 Table Match 1 kuzzone (Black Thunder BBF,Italy)   vs Festen (Gavilan Pollero,Spain) Orc Orc 2 prowler (Black Thunder BBF,Italy)   vs Tzoscey (Gavilan Pollero,Spain) Chaos Dwarf Necromantic Undead 3 pask74 (Black …

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The offical Twitter (and Facebook) hashtag for the 3rd NAF Blood Bowl World Cup will be  #nafwc3.  If you Tweet using this hashtag your tweet will appear here, hopefully!   #nafwc3 Tweets

Survey Analysis

The survey is now closed and the process of crunching and interpreting the responses has begun in earnest! In approximately 10 days time we’ll be releasing a report that details the conclusions, learnings and (where appropriate) some follow up actions from the survey. To that end, and given the short amount of time between the …

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Star Bowl Report

Congratulations to Landrover! Tournament Name: STAR Championship Tournament Start Date: 10/11/2015 Winner: Landrover Winner Race: Norse Runner-up: Maverick Runner-up Race: Necro Wooden Spoon: Nealsmith100 Wooden Spoon Race: Norse Tournament Report: 2015 was the 1st edition of this one day tourney held in Shropshire

NAFC 2016

We are happy to announce the dates for the 2016 NAF Championship as the 30th April & 1st May 2016. This is a Bank Holiday weekend. The event will again be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham.  The rules pack has now been released! Last year’s event was not just the biggest …

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