EurOpen standings after round 2
europen-team-table-after-round-2 europen-individual-table-after-round-2
europen-team-table-after-round-2 europen-individual-table-after-round-2
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1.1 England Joemanji Justicium France 1.1 1.2 England Wulfyn Simon_ACP France 1.2 1.3 England JimJimany Harti France 1.3 1.4 England Lycos Bouzzy France 1.4 1.5 England Geggster Zahiko France 1.5 1.6 England PurpleGoo Matt le fou France 1.6 1.7 England Wilzif BiBi France 1.7 1.8 …
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1 Team France Hooligans Darkstorm AntonLunau Danskjävler 1 1 Team France Hooligans Maram mobo Danskjävler 1 1 Team France Hooligans Bucks Horekim Danskjävler 1 2 The Beast Coast Thenickeninja Sebotouno Team France Europen 2 2 The Beast Coast Tjub Chavrouze51 Team France Europen 2 2 …
eurobowl-team-table-after-round-1 eurobowl-individual-table-after-round-1
europen-team-table-after-round-1 europen-individual-table-after-round-1
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1 Holy Trinity Menzogna AntonLunau Danskjävler 1 1 Holy Trinity Cana mobo Danskjävler 1 1 Holy Trinity Barbossa Horekim Danskjävler 1 2 Team France Hooligans Maram tojurub Trauma Lite 2 2 Team France Hooligans Darkstorm sir_twist_089 Trauma Lite 2 2 Team France Hooligans Bucks rolo …
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1 Denmark Jaqra Geggster England 1 1 Denmark MissSweden Joemanji England 1 1 Denmark Tripleskull Wulfyn England 1 1 Denmark kfoged JimJimany England 1 1 Denmark Tank PurpleGoo England 1 1 Denmark SpecialOne Mubo England 1 1 Denmark Niebling Wilzif England 1 1 Denmark Topper …
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1 Team Bergen hamdi Horekim Danskjävler 1 1 Team Bergen morari AntonLunau Danskjävler 1 1 Team Bergen Drexxl mobo Danskjävler 1 2 Dragonforce Mr.Selecta Imoogi Space Cakes 2 2 Dragonforce Khanmank Tirly Space Cakes 2 2 Dragonforce Sindragosa Bjogrim Space Cakes 2 3 Brålörs z3bb3 …
Table Home Team Home Player Away Player Away Team Table 1 Belgium Araznaroth Valen Scotland 1 1 Belgium gninocker Loki Scotland 1 1 Belgium Phoenix11 HumptyTrump Scotland 1 1 Belgium Lard DonShula Scotland 1 1 Belgium Driesfield Purdindas Scotland 1 1 Belgium Woete Garrick Scotland 1 1 Belgium Dekra1979 sann0638 Scotland 1 1 Belgium JJ …
The first round was drawn randomly at the live launch of Eurobowl 2016, and will be as follows: Belgium v Scotland Denmark v Hungary Switzerland v England Wales v Norway Poland v Germany Finland v Spain Italy v France Vikings v Sweden Individual matchups to be published in the morning!
X-TREME™ BALL HANDLING™, RIGHT ON YOUR DOORSTEP! JOIN NOW FOR AS LITTLE AS £199.99! Ahem, sorry about that. In week one I talked about passing skills in some detail, but not all of them. There are still a few that are most certainly worth mentioning. They’re all a little different, but you know the format …
‘Low Tier Skills’, episode four: X-TREME™ BALL HANDLING™ Read More »
Update: Two high quality bids have been received – a multinational one from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, based near Lake Constance in Austria, and one from the Isle of Wight in the UK. The winner will be announced at the NAF Championship on April 30th, as detailed below. — Dear Members, It is time to …
Tournament Name: Dutch Killz Cup Tournament Start Date: 09/24/2016 Number of Participants: 12 Winner: Sulaco Winner Race: Lizardmen Runner-up: zuk Runner-up Race: Necromantic Wooden Spoon: competitioninme Wooden Spoon Race: Skaven Tournament Report: Very happy with the smooth and fun event – a great time was had by all. A good foundation upon which to grow …
This is a reminder regarding the UK Team Challenge Earlybird Discount for coaches who are considering coming along to the UKTC III on 14/15 January 2017 in York. Teams of four who register before October 1st 2016 will receive a £20 discount (£120 per team before the deadline; £140 after). This means there are only …
Online Welsh Open Our fourth online NAF tournament of 2016 is a partnership with one of the UK’s largest events, the Welsh Open! This rulespack should contain everything you need to know to enter the Online Welsh Open (OWO), and to be in with a chance of winning lovely physical prizes. Mynd Cymru! The rulespack …
Superseded. Please see this page for the latest NAF rules. NAF Tournaments are already being submitted for 2017, including our very own NAF Championship, and the NAF has the following guidance regarding rules for 2017 tournaments, bearing in mind the possible release of a new boxed set around Christmas 2016. We have been told …
By Trumpkin When someone tells you an event is for charity, that doesn’t always conjure up images of high quality. It tends to suggest a half-arsed attempt to desperately squeeze as much money from a bunch of people, with some veneer of circumstance to give the gathering an ostensibly ‘interesting’ feel. Thrudball is an event …
The weekend will be run using the original rules pack and the 2017 NAF rules update. For up to date reports, just click here! — A message from Jervis Johnson and Andy Hoare: Jervis: It is with a real sense of excitement that I write the introduction for the NAF Championship 2017! I could not be more delighted …
Spike! Magazine Showdown Our third online NAF tournament of 2016 will see us partner with the Canadian NAF Major tournament, the Spike! Magazine BB Championship! This post should point you toward everything you need to know to enter the Spike! Magazine Showdown (SMS), and compete to win physical, Spike! themed prizes. The rulespack for our …
# Team Race NAF Name Score Touchdowns Casualties 1 Why is it dark in here undead Scs.sam 70 10 – 4 13 – 4 2 Krokads lizardman Wulfyn 67 10 – 3 8 – 9 3 Undtrwelt Utd Dwarf Nazgob 66 8 – 3 15 – 4 4 Barna Killers Necromantic Undead Sann0638 64 …