NAF Staff


  1. Structure of the NAF
  2. NAF Committee
  3. Ethics Committee
  4. Tournament Approvers
  5. National and Regional Coordinators

1. Structure of the NAF

The NAF committee

The steering committee of the NAF is described in the NAF Charter. It is made up of four elected positions: the President, the Tournament Director, the League Director, and the Treasurer, up for election every two years. Appointed positions include the Vice President and the Membership Director.

National, Regional and Online Coordinators

National and Regional Coordinators are representing the NAF at a local level and serve as an interface between NAF and tournament organizers and members. They take care of sign-ups, membership renewals, gift distribution and, depending on region, also enter tournament info and results. They also assist in coordinating tournament schedules and are often the first point of contact for questions and help. These tirelessly working minions are appointed in a well defined process that includes bribery, personal references, nepotism and the roll of a D40. Online coordinators (e.g. for Fumbbl and BB3) have a similar function.
Importantly, the coordinators are also providing regular feedback in the NAF Annual Review process.

Support functions

There are also several additional appointed support functions. Some are permanent, like media officer or tournament series coordinator, some are temporary, like coordinator of the annual NAF review, which is held together with National and Regional Coordinators.

Tournament approvers

A group of volunteers supports the Tournament Director with review and approval of the soon one thousand annual tournaments. At the moment, these all happen to be members with double functions as National and Regional Coordinators.

Ethics Committee

This very recently formed unit consists of appointed members that have volunteered to support the NAF by developing a new code of conduct, setting up new guidelines and addressing ethical issues.


Tons of dice and NAF goodies are being annually distributed thanks to volunteers such as Lycos, Grant85, Valdric, Matte8, Rabid_Bogscum, Sebco and Hachablanca.

World Cup Voting Committee

This temporary group of global representatives is put together once every four years to elect the winner of the World Cup bidding process.

Who is not part of the NAF administration?

If you have made it thus far down the list, you might wonder who is left. Well, there are multiple steering committees and organizing bodies of large regular tournaments such as the Eurobowl, the NAFC or the Amorical Cup and other Majors, that work closely with the NAF administration and often feature members that have also official NAF functions. However, these are independent bodies working largely outside the NAF administration. The NAF can not be made responsible if the Amorical Cup only provides Coors Light. Like your local league commissioner’s 8-person Kitchen Bowl, all of these tournaments will have to adhere to the NAF approval guidelines, though.

How do I contact a staff member?

All NAF staff with the icon can be contacted by email at Alternative methods of communication are listed on the Contacts page.

2. NAF Committee

RolePost-holderNAF NameNext ElectionPicture
Presidentcurrently vacant
Vice-Presidentcurrently vacantAppointed
TreasurerJuanma Sidera Olaya (ES) UlvardarMarch 2026
Tournament DirectorAlexander Weiss (GER) StimmeJanuary 2027
Membership DirectorMichael Heising (GER) TwyllenimorAppointed
League Director
and Media Officer
Brandon Alderman (USA) MegamindFebruary 2027

3. Ethics Committee

The Board of Ethics is a group of experienced coaches appointed by the NAF committee. The Board’s tasks include the following:

  • establishing and updating a Code of Conduct
  • encouraging and promoting a positive and respectful attitude in NAF spaces
  • advising the NAF Committee in questions about social or ethical aspects of the game
  • being open for suggestions from coaches
  • assisting coaches who might not feel welcome or have issues attending NAF events
  • advocating diversity and inclusion

Please note that Code of Conduct breaches are if possible handled with Tournament Organizers or Regional Representatives first.
If there is anything you would like to suggest or report, feel free to email:
The current Board of Ethics consists of Kubusta, Mentos, Sundevil, Thibault, Volkajo.
Applications for the BoE are always welcome!

4. Tournament approvers

The following members are approving tournament submissions:
Claymore (New Zealand)
Gaixo (Americas)
Hachablanca (Spain, Portugal)
Jelmer (Netherlands, Northern Europe)
Lunchmoney (UK, Ireland)
Magikmoon (France, Belgium, Luxembourg)
Matte8 (Italy, Malta)
Rabid_Bogscum (Australia)
Stimme (Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa)
Twyllenimor (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

The Tournament Series Coordinator is Topas.

5. National, Regional and Online Coordinators (NCs, RCs and OCs)

last updated February 18th 2025

Europe America Oceania/Africa

Austria Austria
NC: outcaarst
RC: Snake_Eyes

Belgium Belgium
NC: driesfield

Bulgaria Bulgaria
NC: Emilius

Czech Republic Czech Republic
NC: Grom
RC: Kubusta (East)

Denmark Denmark
NC: Tank
RC: Jaqra

Finland Finland
NC: N3Rk
RC: RatOgre

France France
NC: Sebco
RC: Bourpif (Northwest)
RC: Thot (Northeast)
RC: Bucks (Paris)
RC: Magikmoon (Southeast)
RC: Bagouze (Southwest)

Germany Germany
NC: Twyllenimor
RC: Heroic_Tackle (Northeast)
RC: Tojurub (Bavaria)
RC: Banelord (Southwest)
RC: Stimme (Hamburg)

Greece Greece
NC: Vaggulis
RC: Vabap (Islands)

Hungary Hungary
NC: Schwd

Ireland Ireland
NC: Unforgivenirl
RC: Fiki

Italy Italy
NC: matte8
RC: Panicoblack (Central)
RC: Vyper (North)

Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania
NC: Fuel

Malta Malta
NC: RealMalteser

Netherlands Netherlands
NC: Dave
RC: Jelmer

Norway Norway
NC: Straume

Poland Poland
NC: Domingo
RC: Shawass

Portugal Portugal
NC: Shryken

Serbia Serbia
NC: Pasulj

Slovenia Slovenia
NC: RedDragon

Spain Spain
NC: Hachablanca
RC: Atrellu (Northeast)
RC: Panzer68 (North)
RC: Ulvardar (Southeast)
RC: Dreamscreator (East)
RC: CRuzado17 (Southwest)
RC: Oberon_nix (Baleares)

Sweden Sweden
NC: Oberwald

Switzerland Switzerland
NC: Jokaero

United Kingdom United Kingdom
NC (England): Deeferdan
NC (North Ireland): agingergoblin
NC (Scotland): ChrisRaff88
NC (Wales): Jayward
RC: Warka (North England)
RC: Lunchmoney (South-West England)
RC: Spleggy (Yorkshire/North-West Eng.)
RC: Deeferdan (Midlands)
RC: Stewbacca (South-East England)
RC: Salontiger (London)

Bolivia Bolivia
NC: Royex_74

Brazil Brazil
NC: sergiolmroma

Canada Canada
NC: Grant85
RC: Aarona (Vancouver)
RC: Innerdemon (Alberta)

Chile Chile
NC: Varadal
RC: Naufras

Colombia Colombia
NC: c0nd0r

Mexico Mexico
NC: Fletcher
RC: Pistachekitbash (Yucatan)

United States United States
NC: Gaixo (Southeast)
RC: Beorg (Northwest)
RC: Stonecloud (Deep South)
RC: Legion (Florida)
RC: Russcastronovo (West Coast)
RC: Dashergeaux (Texas/Oklahoma)
RC: MightyZuk (Northeast)
RC: Grither (Rockies)
RC: Kilowoggy (Colorado)

Uruguay Uruguay
NC: Caio

Australia Australia
NC: Rabid_Bogscum

New Zealand New Zealand
NC: Claymore

South Africa South Africa
NC: Da_Imp

FUMBBL Blood Bowl II  
OC: Neilwat
OC: Stimme
OC: Kfoged