Badges are designed to showcase your achievements and activities as a Blood Bowl coach. They reflect milestones like the number of races you’ve played, tournaments you’ve organized, or countries you’ve visited for games.
Each badge has specific criteria, with levels to recognize your progress. Read below to learn more about what it represents and hover over any badge shown on your coach page for more coach specific details.
Wanderer Badges
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This badge tracks the number of countries where you’ve participated in at least one Blood Bowl tournament.
‘3’ Badge: Awarded for playing in tournaments across 3 to 4 different countries.
‘5’ Badge: Earned by playing in tournaments across 5 to 9 different countries.
’10’ Badge: Achieved by playing in tournaments across 10 to 14 different countries.
’15’ Badge: Granted for playing in tournaments in 15 or more different countries.
Hover your mouse over the badge to view a detailed list of countries.

Race Badges
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This badge tracks the number of different Blood Bowl races you’ve played, with milestones in increments of five.
- For a race to be counted, you must have played at least three games with a race. BB2020 and Classic variant count as full games, games in any other variant count as 0.5 games.
- Only currently available races count towards this badge (e.g. Bretonnians are excluded).
The ALL badge is awarded when you have played every available race. If a new race is approved by the NAF, the badge will be adjusted to the nearest milestone, and you can earn the ALL badge again after playing the newly added race.
Hover your mouse over the badge to view more details.

Classic Race Badges
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This badge represents playing the original 24 + 2 races of the Classic variant. You can still earn this badge by meeting the following requirements:
- For a race to be counted, you must have played at least three games. BB2020 and Classic variant count as full games, games in any other variant count as 0.5 games.
- Only the original 24 + 2 races count towards this badge (e.g. Snotlings and Black Orcs are excluded).
- Bretonnians are included only if played in Classic variant tournaments.
The definition of this badge has evolved over time, with changes being grandfathered in. Here’s how race calculations have historically been applied:
Until 01.01.2018: A single game in any variant counted as “played.”
In 2018: Required 3 games with any variant.
From 01.01.2019 until 31.12.2022: Required 3 games with regular Blood Bowl. Other variants (e.g., Sevens) counted as half a game (6 matches needed), while Deathbowl games counted as 2.
Hover your mouse over the badge to view more details.

Organized Tournaments Badges
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This badge recognizes your contributions as a tournament organiser:
Bronze: Awarded for organising at least one tournament with 20 or more NAF coaches.
Silver: Earned by organising at least one tournament with 50 or more NAF coaches.
Gold: Granted for organising at least one tournament with 100 or more NAF coaches.
Hover your mouse over the badge to view more details.

NAF Trophy Badges
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Number of NAF trophies won.
This badge tracks the number of NAF trophies you’ve won, with milestones increasing as your total grows:
- For up to 15 trophies, the badge increments by 1.
- From 15 to 50 trophies, the badge increments by 5.
- From 50 to 100 trophies, the badge increments by 10.
NAF trophies may be awarded to the individual winner of any sanctioned tournaments from the regular Blood variant (i.e. not Sevens, Deathbowl etc.), so long as it meets minimum attendance requirement. If a tournament has 4 game rounds or more, 12 NAF registered coaches are required; if it has 3 rounds, 24 NAF registered coaches are required.
Team trophies for squad tournaments are now also available. For sake of simplicity, these are also counted towards this trophy badge.
Variant tournaments (except online) before January 1st 2019 also count towards this badge.
Hover your mouse over the badge to view more details.