

By Isaac Quinton (age 12) and Ben Prego (age 13)


We got up at 5am on Saturday morning to make the long drive up to Nottingham in a minibus with a team of 8 from Caterham School. During the 4 hour journey we stopped off to buy a great breakfast at Burger King. When we got to the NAF Championship we couldn’t believe how many pitches and people there were there and the amazingly friendly atmosphere there to kick-start the 2 days. Our days consisted of 3 matches each.

After our 3 matches on the first day we had a lovely curry meal with the other competitors. Then we returned to our hotel (a great hotel next to the tournament venue) to get a good night's sleep before the next matches. The following morning we got up and went to the lobby where we had a fantastic full English breakfast.


After the second day was over we were exhausted after 15 hours of intense blood bowl. On the way back to Caterham we decided to stop off on the motorway for dinner at McDonalds, and stock up on chocolate for the journey. This was a very enjoyable weekend and we had lots of fun and many memorable occasions. As we write this we are about to sign up for Gertbowl and already are planning our teams for the NAF Championship 2014.

A big thank you to the tournament organisers for 2 fantastic days.


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