VOL 12 - NAFC SPECIAL                          View Online                                Translate
Welcome to a special edition of the NAF Newsletter, giving a full rundown of all that took place at the NAF Championships on May 25th-26th 2013 in Nottingham, UK.  It was a six-game, 105TV tournament with one normal skill per round, and after round 5 the top two teams went into a winner-takes-all final!  This was won by Jimjimany with his Wood Elves (left), defeating Jock McRowdy's Skaven 2-1.  In this newsletter we have the full results as well as reports from the winner of most casualties, a school trip, Driesfield on his trip from Belgium, and lots of beautiful pictures.  Enjoy!
The NAF Champs always draws a good few travelling Blood Bowlers - Driesfield (far right) made the trip from Belgium - how did he get on?
Most casualties is often hotly contested, but this year there was a run-away (or pile-on) winner - how did he manage it?
It may not look like it, but this is the view of a Blood Bowl tournament Sunday lunch.  Read a full tournament report here.
The NAFC best-painted tournaments is always amazing, though you don't need to bring your chainsaw to win!  Just paint a really good team, like the finalist above.  Click the pic for more amazing pictures courtesy of Indigo and for a full rundown of best painted.
Freebies were in plentiful supply, with the Early Bird bonanza won by Be4ch, spot prizes in each round, the giveaway turn counter and of course everyone collected their new NAF dice for this year.
Just a quick mention, the NTO list now also has a brief explanation of the NAF Committee with a link to the section on thenaf.net that has those details in full.
The event would not have been the success it was without the team of referees, and what better way to repay them by publicising as widely as possible the silliness of one of them.  Frank (aka Giraffe, aka Badger, aka Mr Thrud) managed to recover from his Black Russian-induced hangover enough to give an excellent demonstration of his jigging skills.
Once you've enjoyed the video, head to thrudball.com and sign up for his most excellent Blood Bowl tournament - it's on the south coast of England, pretty accessible from the continent!

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Registered as The NAF