The NAF Championship - May 25th/26th 2013, Nottingham Lots of excitement building for the NAF championship this weekend! With around 150 coaches attending, here's a taste of what's been happening on the NAF website, TFF, Facebook and Twitter. Teams! Teams! Teams! People use the NAF Champs as an opportunity to present a new team or an old favourite, in the hopes of carrying of one of the most coveted best painted trophies. See if you can spot any of these this weekend!
And of course the first prize, painted by spubbba - a team usable as Norse or Dwarves, along with a smattering of star players and support staff. He blogged about its development on TFF.
Other Stuff What else is happening? Glowworm will be wandering around dressed as a sponsored Kroxigor, there will be posters up about the Stunty Dodge dice, the world and his wife will be tweeting using #bbnafc and #bloodbowl, and being retweeted by @officialnaf, all 24 official teams will definitely be represented, and many beers will be sunk. Pics will be appearing on all the above forms, but also on Google Plus! Technology ahoy! Full report next month! Rules etc Minor details! But can all be found last month...
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