Dear members,
From 1st January 2021, we will be updating our tournament rules and infrastructure to reflect the new edition (BB2020) recently released by Games Workshop. Please find the headline changes below and the finer detail in the attached document, which will serve as the NAF Rules for Tournaments 2021.
We’re sure that this post will generate lots of spirited discussion. Please ask any questions you have that aren’t covered below. We’re really excited to watch the new edition unfold in 2021, and hope this update will allow us to manage the change with the minimum of disruption.
NAF Committee.
- The NAF will continue to support tournaments using CRP / BB2016 rules, as well as those now using BB2020. On 1 Jan 2021, the current Blood Bowl Elo rankings will be duplicated to create a new variant: Classic (supporting play using the last edition).
- Example: My current Ogre Elo ranking is 140. From 1 Jan 2021, my Blood Bowl ranking will remain at 140 (to then be updated by BB2020 Ogre games), and I will gain a Classic ranking of 140 (to be updated by CRP / BB2016 Ogre games).
- Tournaments already in the database and scheduled for 2021 will be set to Classic by default. If organisers wish to update to Blood Bowl (and use BB2020 rules), they must manually edit their tournament listing.
- For reasons of practicality, Bretonnians will be renamed Imperial Nobility across all variants in the NAF database. In Blood Bowl (BB2020), Imperial Nobility are considered to have superseded Bretonnians, and the Bretonnian roster is no longer supported. In Classic (CRP / BB2016), the Bretonnian roster should be used, at TO discretion. We will be adding the new BB2020 races as soon as is feasible
- Daemons of Khorne and Slann remain welcome at NAF tournaments. We have made the minimum number of alterations to these rosters to enable their use the new edition.
- The Annual Review process will return in 2021 to assess the rules of the new edition in the context of NAF tournaments.
Where are the simians
not in BB2020 I’m afraid!
will you be upgrading the list of authorised teams and star players ? the document i found is very old.
Yes, by the end of the year.
Could you please link / elaborate?
The sanction doc listing allowed races is up to date with BB2020 (see tournament docs). Star players are as per the rulebook.
There are, no doubt, pages to update on this WordPress. But the key areas have been looked at.
I have a feeling this line should read Jan 1 2021.
On 1 Jan 2020, the current Blood Bowl Elo rankings will be duplicated…
nicely done….. just three things, which appear a bit odd to me:
– Why don’t the Pit Fighter have Passing Skill access as Primary? They used to have passing Skill access on a Normal roll
– Why do the two Big guys (Blood Thrister and Kroxigor) have Passing Skill access despite having “-” for Passing Ability
– Why did the Bloodthirster have Mighty Blow (+1) now? They did not have this skill under the old rule set.
Hi Torsten. Are you commenting on the version of the doc currently hosted? There was a slight hiccup when originally posted. Two of your three points are answered, and on the third we’re being consistent with the new ed.
About the current version of the document (01/12/20), I am wondering why the passing skill access as Primary of the pitfighter has disappeared.
I have the same question about the slann linefrog as Secondary. They can pass (OK 4+ ), they should have access to such skill as secondary, no ?
Hi Phil,….it must have still be in cache..after reloading I found the changes….thank you….. but I’m not sure what you mean with “consistent with the new ed.” (I mean, you are much closer to the rule designers than most of us), but I don’t understand why the Pitfighter should “loose” the Passing Skill access in the Primary category. In the previous version Passing was available as a Normal Skill, which I would consider the equivalent to Primary Skill access….but of course I might be way off in understanding the meaning of the rules
Hi Lord Bojo and Torsten,
Having studied the new ed, we feel like these are the updates to the rosters fit best. I appreciate there will likely be discussion on this and that, but our feeling is that the way the game has moved means the Linemen on these teams should have the access to P (or lack thereof) we have given them.
It’s clearly an impossible job, trying to keep these rosters ‘recommended’ by tweaking them and pleasing everyone while doing so. While I appreciate the feedback, this is where the rosters will be for this year. We can always review come the AR.
I’m disappointed to see the NAF superseding Brets with Imperial Nobility, while there is a bit of crossover in theme and design they don’t actually play anything like each other and the Brets had a rather unique and interesting play style.
The Imp Nobility team in contrast is just bad humans.
Given that the NAF are now stepping in and making roster changes, it’s absurd that simyins aren’t part of the unofficial teams especially that simyins have been around far longer than khorne, nevermind that the creators behind these teams weren’t involved in any of the changes that the naf came up with!