NAF Fact Book

Good day Coaches! Many in our community have really been enjoying the Gridiron Gazettes authored by Wobert and while that still has another handful of issues to release we wanted to go ahead and start the next series authored by our very own knut_rockie! The NAF Fact Book contains a tremendous amount of information on many of the lesser known ins and outs of the lesser popular 40 teams of 2nd edition. We will release this as an 8 week series as we go through each of the NFC and AFC divisions!

About the Author:
Knute Rock-Knee (aka Sam Herbert) first played Blood Bowl in 1989 and was an active coach through much of the next decade. After several years away from the game, he volunteered to draw the player portraits for in the early 2010s. It was at that point he made an embryonic version of the NAF Fact Book, mainly as source material for a comic strip that never got beyond the planning stage (although the roots of the project go all the way back to 1991, when he and a friend tried- and failed- to simulate an entire NAF season!). The project lay dormant for the next decade, until the ‘lockdowns’ of the early 2020s gave him time to revive it and finally complete it.

17 thoughts on “NAF Fact Book”

    1. Knut Rock-Knee

      Thanks. Yes, when all eight divisions have been published everything will be made available one big PDF book.
      Hope you enjoy reading them

    1. Knute Rock-Knee

      Thank you! Really glad to hear your enjoying them. Lots more to come. The collected PDF book weighs in at over 110 pages with all my references & end notes, so there’s plenty to read if you’re into the minutiae of Blood Bowl fluff.

  1. This is fantastic!
    The 2nd ed Star Player book and the Compendium are the two Blood Bowl books that chained me to this wonderful game forever. And you do a wonderful job of capturing the exact same spirit.
    Thank you very much!

    1. Knute Rock-Knee

      Thank you! They were for me as well! You won’t believe how much time I spent trying to source the font they originally used! (it’s Univers, in case you were wondering!), so I’m so happy to hear it’s appreciated!

  2. Steve Fickert

    Thank you for providing these … really fun to read … I hope we get a great COVER PAGE for the entire booklet … I have a comb binder I plan to put these in a booklet when it is complete! … THANKS, again, for your effort! 👍🏈🇺🇸

    1. Knute Rock-Knee

      Many thanks for the positive feedback, Steve. It means a lot to hear people are enjoying it. Yes, it was originally conceived as a large book, so it will be downloadable here as a pdf when all the division chapters are published. You’ll be pleased to hear it has a full contents page! I have formatted all the pages to A4 dimensions, so there should be no problems with printing it. If there is, let me know & I’ll try and tweak the originals.
      Hope you enjoy the forthcoming chapters!

  3. This is absolutely fantastic! You’ve done so much amazing work and this will sit next to my big red and big yellow Blood Bowl books (You know the ones!)

    A minor minor suggestion on the PDF of it all, maybe put a blank white page in after the title page so the printing works so each team gets the double page spread – I just got mine printed and the person didn’t check as I just said “oh print that” and it’s kinda off – I think that will solve it so you can just send it to a printing service and not worry.

    Still amazing work and honestly, I wish they’d bring the 2nd edition aesthetic/vibe back – for me the joy of Blood Bowl is the team colours and the races – I get why GW make them more “authentic to the lore” with it feeling like they’ve all just put their armour on to play sport. The second edition felt like it was sport first y’know …

    1. Knute Rock-Knee

      Many thanks for your positive feedback Chris. I’m so pleased to hear this work resonates with you. I think those of us who entered the game with the 2nd edition have a special affection for it, which was what, in part, motivated me in my efforts to bring this book together.
      Thanks also for the pdf suggestion. I can make a copy with a blank page quite easily for you. Maybe the NAF could have it available here as a ‘printing’ version? If not, give me an email and I’ll send it to you.

  4. Very very good!
    Thank you for taking the trouble of puting all these together, and even filling in the blanks!
    BloodBowl wouldn´t be as big as it is, if it weren’t for all this brilliant fluff.


    1. Thanks! I totally agree about the fluff. Although the game changes, the anarchic humour remains… long may it do so!

  5. Hey Knute, great stuff!
    However, did you know….
    That you have Dolfar Longstride on TWO rosters in the same year???

    1. Knute Rock-Knee

      Thanks Nightbird!
      No I didn’t realise, thanks for pointing it out. As a freebooter during this era, Dolfar wasn’t attached to any team and was toying with a move to the Everbold Unicorns to get a better deal from the Athelorn Avengers, who eventually signed him for the duration of the 2489-90 season!
      (The alternative version is I made a dumb typo! Ahem!)

  6. This piece of work is absolutely fantastic. Seeing it has made me so happy and has taken me back to those happy days. Thank you so much.

    For your next project is there any way you could reproduce the star players book and companion too? Then we could have the full set!

    Once again stunning work and a fitting tribute to the history of blood bowl and the second edition. GW couldn’t have done a better job themselves.

    1. Knute Rock-knee

      Thanks Daniel,
      Sorry my reply is so delayed, I only check the comments here occasionally.
      I’m really glad to read your feedback as this was exactly what I was going for! Like you, I have such great memories of the 2nd edition back when I was a kid.
      Star Players and the Companion are available online as PDF downloads. If you can’t locate them I’ll be happy to email you copies. The best way to contact me is by DM on my instagram account @naf_2489_90 (otherwise give me an email and I’ll do it that way.)
      Thanks again
      Knute Rock-Knee

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