Gridiron Gazette

Exciting times for those in love with Blood Bowl fluff – Wobert has trawled the annals of Blood Bowl to put together the Gridiron Gazette!

10 thoughts on “Gridiron Gazette”

  1. Absolutely fabulous! Great stuff to read and I am quite looking forward to the next issue!
    If you need help for upcoming issues, let me know. Just hit me up on TFF.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Then next 4 issues are written already but just need the finishing touches. My main focus for the moment is to look at teams that haven’t had a Spike yet and do a fluff article for them which still fits with the fluff laid out in BB2016 and BB2020.

  2. Hello
    I just read the halflings one, hilarious it was ! Thanks for taking the time to compile everything and share it !

    1. Thank you Jamie, I’m glad people are enjoying it. The Gazette won’t last forever sadly, 6 more issues to go.

      1. I’m only on issue 8 but I’m hooked and loving every issue. Will there be anything next after the Gridiron Gazzete?

        1. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do! However, issue 9 is one of my favourites.

          The plan is to stop on issue 30 – that should be enough! After that I need a break. However, I highly recommend the Fact Book which can also be found on the NAF site. It is an excellent project and at a much higher production level.

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