NAF Championship 2018 Final Standings
Champion: Podfrey (Dark Elves)
Runner-Up: Purplegoo (Humans)
League Champion: Hawca (Wood Elf)
Most Cas: Fredator (Orc) 26 CAS
Most TDs: Macejedi (Wood Elf) 18 TDs
Stunty Cup: Gorgoroth (Halflings)
Best Newcomer: wwe2015 (Necromantic)
Best Painted: Stig’s Wood Elf team “Plantopia”
Duel Painting competition winner: Goldeneye
Andydavo won the lottery for the team painted by Spubba
Full write-up to follow!
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If opponents score is correct then something is wrong with the next tie breakers (net TD+net CAS, net TD, net CAS… Look at for example 22 to 25 we all have 8 points and 49..
But 25 has net plus at 8 and that beats the two on 6 and the one at 4 over him… So should 25 not be 22, 24 = 23, 23 = 25 and 22 = 24