The NAF is very happy to announce two new Committee Members, bringing NAF Committee up to full strength again.
Vice-President: Torsten Blaetter (Tojurub)
Torsten is based in Germany. He is currently on the Tournament Series advisory committee, and is RTC for Munich. He is a long-standing member of the NAF.
Membership Director: Manuel Garcia Martinez (Lordillo)
Manuel is based in Spain. He has been helping to manage the Facebook page, and has also work on OBBLM, as well as doing Spanish translation work.
Both bring a lot of enthusiasm and commitment to the roles, and will be valuable additions to Committee, which also now reflects the global nature of the NAF, with Committee Members from the US, England, Spain, Germany and New Zealand!
Thanks go to NotoriousJTB, Joe Byers, who has had to step down as MD for personal reasons.