Minutes of Committee Meeting – 9th January 2016
Present: Mike Davies (Pres), Steve Arthurs (LD), Nate Beem (TD), Paul Gegg (Treas)
Apologies: Joe Byers (MD)
New Committee
MD has not appointed a VP yet – it has been 9 years since a new one was appointed, so there is lots to consider!
2016 Gift
PG is working with the Rewards committee to produce the 2016 gift in time for the NAFC.
New Website
SA has been working on a demo for a new version of the website. NAF Committee will feedback by 23rd January, then SA will put a proposal together. SA is going to check with mepmuff and elyoukey as regards what they have done so far and are willing to do going forward. Once the structure of the website is in place professional modules can be commissioned if necessary.
GW Update
Efforts are being made to build contacts with the Specialist Design Studio.
Online Update
We are going to offer a prize for the winner of the Cyanide World Cup as well as ongoing support for the Fumbbl Road to the NAFC.
World Cup 4
The long term aim is to announce the hosts for WC4 by Autumn 2017. To achieve this we will launch the process at the end of this year or the beginning of next.
Once Lycos has sent in his expenses, PG will do the accounts. Not many NTC/RTCs send in expenses, MD will include a check in his email to them that they are not out of pocket.
- PG is keeping in touch with Pete Knifton as regards using artwork.
- In addition to the current Media Officer/Webmaster adverts, we are keen to increase the pool of people with graphic design skills that we can ask for help, including putting together a template for a standard NAF word document.
Next Meeting
6th February, 21:00 CET.