Welcome to the NAF!

The Nuffle Amorical Football (NAF) is an international association of players dedicated to Blood Bowl, the Games Workshop game of fantasy football. The NAF acts as a central resource for Blood Bowl coaches all over the world. Whether you are planning to run your own tournament, looking for a league, or just wanting to catch up on the latest from the world of Blood Bowl, NAF HQ aims to provide everything you will need. Browse the menus, or use the Search function to the side for news, contacts, discussion, sanctioned tournaments and international player rankings. Importantly, anybody can join the NAF and be part of a global growing community of Blood Bowl players!

New Players

Are you a new or returning player? Have a look at this summary with links to further resources to bring you up to speed about Blood Bowl and the NAF. You can join the NAF online or at any NAF-approved tournament.

Tournament play

You are interested in Blood Bowl tournaments? Check out our world-wide NAF-approved tournaments, also available as Sann0638’s excellent Tableau map. If you are planning to organize a tournament yourself, check out our tournament section.

Coach finder

Are you looking for fellow Blood Bowl coaches in your area? Have a go at our League Database, contact your local NAF staff or any of the forums. Registered users can also use our Coach Finder. Alternatively, you can also play Blood Bowl online.

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